Thursday, September 2, 2010

C'mon do we really need another Pumpkin Ale?

Yes, if it's myyyy Pumpkin Ale...
Pumpkin ale 8/25/10

Grain bill 10.75 lbs
Mash in 3.5 gal water 162 degrees
Came in low, 150 mash for 70minutes instead of 60 to account
Sparge with 5.5 gal 185 degree water
Vorluf 15 min
Hops 60 min
Spice zero min
Cool to 75 in fridge
15 minutes from boiling to 85 degrees, but not much better after
Pitch yeast 70-75, closer to 70, the better
Ferment at 66-68 4 weeks
Bottle 9/22
Start 9:00pm, in fridge 1:40am, pitch yeast pitched at 2:20am

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  1. 1 week in, this beer just finished blowing off at 70 degrees, currently finishing out at 67. Nice color.

  2. bottled this last night, nice flavor, a bit maltier than i expected, a good balance of malt flavor and bittering hops. The pumpkin spice is very subtle, but this is beer, nit dessert, so I didn't want to overdo it on the adjuncts.
