Thursday, August 5, 2010

House Robust Porter

This is a recipe that I have now brewed 3 times to rave reviews. It's pretty complex, with hints of chocolate, toffee and coffee and a distinct alcohol "warming" on the finish. It clocks in from the mid to high 6'sABV, depending on my efficiency. Anyway, here it is:

11 lb standard 2 row
1 lb choc malt
1 lb caramel 40l
4 oz black patent
1 oz roasted barley
8 oz flaked barley
I use 365 brand spring water, the ph is perfect for general brewing although I haven't tested it in a while and I'm sure the sources change.
I mash in with 4.25 gallons at 165 degrees, hoping to reach a temp of 148-152 or 60 minutes.
Sparge out with 5 gallons of 180 degree water. I fly sparge over an hour, about a gallon every 12 minutes into the kettle.
bring to a boil, once hot break recedes, add 1oz northern brewer pellet hops and .5 oz cascade and time for 60 minutes.
with 15 minutes left in the boil, add 8oz maltodextrine or lactose. I prefer malto for this recipe.
Cool wort, aerate with a stone and oxygen if possible, this is a high gravity beer and needs healthy aeration and healthy yeast. You may consider a starter, but that's a post for another time. I don't for this recipe and it finishes out clean, but slow
Pitch Yeast-I used Wyeast European Ale yeast which makes a wonderful beer, but is ultra slooooow. Do not despair id you still have krausen after 4 weeks, it's that slow. Just give the carboy a little shake to hep it drop out. I ferment this beer in the primary only for 5 weeks to really clean it up. I rarely secondary beer, unless it's super high gravity and this was no exception.

1 comment:

  1. Third time is usually the charm, but not this time, 6 weeks in, still a light krausen on top. I know this yeast finishes slow, but i have issues here-going to warm the beer to 75 degrees for a few days, hopefully to finish it out, then cool to 58 for a week or so to let the yeast settle back down, then bottle. I'm not happy with any beer in the carboy over 6 weeks, but i'm going away for a few days and will bottle next week when i get back.
