Thursday, August 19, 2010


I'm going to post about some of my favorite cheeses that I've encountered over the past five years, hopefully at some point I will attempt to create my own version of the cheese I'm describing.
Robiola is one of my favorite soft cheeses, Robiola is an Italian cheese and hails from Piedmont, Italy. It's usually made in the shape of a small square, kind of like a mini Taleggio. Not always though, I have encountered it in other shapes - Robiola is a name that refers to a type of cheese, rather than one specific cheese. For this reason, you'll find many different types of Robiola in cheese shops, although the two sold most often in the US are Robiola Bosina (square shape, with a runny, gooey texture) and Robiola Rocchetta. There is a brand of Robiola that is produced exclusively for Whole Foods Market and we carry it in our cheese shop (Marlton)and it's a cow/sheep blend.

Robiola Rocchetta is made by Caseificio Alta Langa, the same creamery that makes La Tur and Brunet, two cheeses that are very simliar to Robiola Rocchetta. Robiola Rocchetta has a round shape, with a soft bloomy rind and a fluffy, slightly runny texture. It is made with three milk types - cow, sheep and goat- and you taste the influence of all three in its rich texture, and milky, tangy flavor. I love either style of Robiola alone, with a baguette, or with Raincoast Crisp Cranberry Hazelnut crackers-amazing!

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